My challenge for this week: Drink water.
Why?1. The human body is 60% water. Water is life. Get too dehydrated and you die. Case and point.
I am going to stick to water, coffee, and tea for this week (AKA I won't let myself drink soda or juice. And I'll try not to drink beer but I can't guarantee it. If I drink beer I'll match my beer consumption with water consumption). I know that caffeine is a diuretic and therefor contributes to dehydration instead of hydration but I'm addicted to caffeine and anyway, one thing at a time.
I've heard many tips for how to drink more water so I'm going to incorporate a few, including:
1. Have an extra glass of water when you get up in the morning and a extra glass when you go to bed
2. Invest in a nice water bottle and keep it with you
3. Keep track of how much water you drink - we often do not realize how little we consume until we track it
4. Stop drinking soda - people often replace water with diabetes-in-a-bottle during meals, stop drinking high-fructose corn syrup and actually rehydrate.
5. Don't use ice cubes - really cold water is difficult to drink quickly, so you end up drinking less. Also ice slows down your bowels. Don't believe me? Then you've obviously never watched a surgeon put a piece of ice on a section of bowel before. It immediately goes from peristalsis to inactivity. Also I'm pretty sure ice messes with your Qi.
I can't cite this but I remember reading in some nursing physiology book that 80% of headaches are caused by dehydration.
I googled "the benefit of water" to see if I could find some references for my obviously true statements about its benefits. I came across an article called "6 Reasons to Drink Water" (Zelman, 2008). The end of the article contains a list of tips for increasing your "beverage consumption". Two out of the five tips encourage you to drink non-water beverages. Including the last which says "choose beverages that meet your individual needs. If you're watching calories, go for non-caloric beverages or water."
I get it. The article is trying to draw in the soft drink people. The article wants the reader to at least be more hydrated even if it is not with water. It is being kind to the people who say "I can't stand water, I only drink Mountain Dew", and it is allowing them to feel as though the Mountain Dew is meeting their INDIVIDUAL needs. The reality is that Mountain Dew meets no nutritional needs. Zero. If it did, don't you think the company would try to capitalize on that? If Mountain Dew had any shred of benefit to the human body, it would be advertised like it was a goddamn vitamin (nice talk).
So there's my soft drink rant I guess. I'll be drinking water this week. Join me!
Zelman, K. (2008.). "Why drink more water?" Retrieved from: WebMD.